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Case Studies国外石材养护案例

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-05-18  浏览次数:3125
核心提示:Aydon Castle, Aydon.艾登城堡案例History历史 Standing in a secluded woodland setting this English Heritage property is on
 Aydon Castle,  Aydon.


     Standing in a secluded woodland setting this English Heritage property is one of the finest and most unaltered examples of a 13th-century English manor house. It was originally built as an undefended residence, but almost immediately fortified on the outbreak of Anglo-Scottish warfare. Nevertheless it was pillaged and burnt by the Scots in 1315, seized by English rebels two years later, and again occupied by Scots in 1346. In the 18th century Aydon became a farmhouse, remaining so until  1966.

     Emergency repairs were needed to one of the stone peaks on this castle, collapse was inevitable.
     A scaffold was erected at the peak, each stone was carefully dismantled and recorded.
     Iron cramps which are not unusual to find within old stone walls were rusting causing jacking of the stones. 
     Stones are being removed and you can just see the old iron cramp that has caused the problem.

     After the wall was fully reduced and all the old iron cramps removed, the wall was then built back up. Existing photos taken before the peak was reduced showed what stones were laid wher on the peak, and all galleting etc was re-bedded into their original position. 

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